Membership in the Vulcan Society shall be voluntary. Regular membership shall be active, retired, or former members of the Boston Fire Department, of the State of Massachusetts. Members of any phase of the fire service, or other Massachusetts municipalities who are permanently employed as full-time employees shall also be eligible for membership. Associate membership shall be open to volunteers and individuals from the community wishing to support the program, goals and operation of the organization.
Membership is open to any member, regardless of race, color, gender, or religion, so long as the member can actively support the issues, goals, concerns and initiatives of the Vulcan Society along with its membership and the community it impacts. All applications for membership shall be made on an application form and submitted by a member in good standing. Applications for regular membership should be accompanied by a signed payroll deduction card. Applications for Associate membership shall be made on a application form and accompanied with an initial dues check, or money order. Individuals shall be accepted for membership by a majority vote of those assembled at a Vulcan Society meeting.
Your membership will help fund initiatives and programs to support our mission of recruitment of people of color into the fire service, prevention education for the community, diversity and equal justice for the public safety sector
A membership with the Vulcans society is your opportunity to give back to the community we service and protect
Your membership in the Vulcan Society and IABPFF makes you a part of a force of 10,000 people across the world who stand for the concerns urban communities and of high risk families and youth.
Your membership in the Vulcan Society makes a direct and positive impact in your community when you join your local Unit.
Your membership in the Vulcan Society will give you access to our upcoming benefits program that provides discounts on products and services.